Intelligence | Bastian Friborg Consulting
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Political developments and policy change create both risks and opportunities for an organization. We ensure our clients are kept up to speed and can plan effectively by tracking the political discourse of all relevant institutions and stakeholders, all while providing analysis and recommendations to key developments.

Political Monitoring

We keep track of all the relevant political institutions to stay on top of what is being said about what and by whom. We follow relevant policy announcements, legislative procedures, parliamentary debates, politicians’ social media, keynotes speeches, and media developments to keep our clients updated.

Policy analysis

We scan both the political horizon and policy proposals for potential risks and opportunities that may affect our clients. We produce customized, personal intelligence reports, with analysis and recommendations to help our clients consider the implications and the possible next steps.

Stakeholder mapping

We ensure that our clients are fully aware of the key influencers across the political landscape. We ensure that our clients fully understand the dynamics involved and highlight the key areas of consideration for future engagement.

Perception audits

We do opinion polling of both politicians, civil servants, and broader stakeholders on key issues and industry reputation. This gives an idea about the current perceptions of specific issues and organizations and can help determine future progress.

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